A Critical Look at the Neocatechumenal Way

Some Neocatechumenal Catechetical Directories (“Mamotretos”)

Cult or Sect?

The Initial Phase of Catechesis

Sacramental Issues

  • Kiko’s Tabernacles – Do these tabernacles indicate Kiko’s true beliefs regarding the Eucharist?
  • Kiko’s Passover Problem, Part I – If Kiko is wrong about the celebration of the Passover in first century Palestine, how could he be right about the worship of the first century Christians?
  • Kiko’s Passover Problem, Part II – Wherein Kiko’s teaching is found to contradict that of four Doctors of the Church.
  • Taking a red pen to heresy – An example of a grave error about the Eucharist that was removed from the original Catechetical Directory prior to its “approval”.

The Scrutinies

The Traditio Symboli stage

Rene Girard and the Neocatechumenal Way

Kiko’s Eschatology

Kiko’s “New Aesthetic”

The Way in Asia

Other Problems and Practices

Other Recent Posts

Tags:  Camino Neocatecumenal, Cammino Neocatecumenale, problems, problemas, Archbishop Anthony Apuron

87 thoughts on “A Critical Look at the Neocatechumenal Way

  1. Is it a testing ground for this Neocatechumenal at the Cathedral?
    Is the Vatican/Pope aware of this Bishop’s behavior and attempts to change our Scripted Religion into a Cult like religion?
    This one of the very few Sacred things..that mean soo much to the indigenous people here..that has been passed on from several generations now..and you want to change all that because you can?
    Do you know our people?
    yeah..I didn’t think you did..but hey..glad you found a new hobby Apuron..but the chamorru people? We just want to keep it as it is..

    1. Mr. Omokhua, I am sure that it is difficult for you to see since you are deeply enmeshed in the sect, but the Catholics on Guam are opening their eyes to the deeply sectarian nature of “the Way”. Please respond directly to specific criticisms you see here. Thank you.

        1. Simon, people are joining without being told of the the terrible things that lie ahead. And leaving is made quite difficult for many.

          1. Hello Chuck,

            You are exactly right in your reply here. And I want to talk to you more about this “phenomenon” of the Neocatechumenal Way in today’s Catholic Church.

            The terrible things that lie ahead for many may not be intended maliciously by anyone in this group; yet, the collateral damage of these terrible things is very real thing for people like me.

            I’ve been very familiar with “The Way” and Kiko for over 40 years now, and your observations on both of them ring so very true, and I’d like to talk to you more about it.

            If you’re reading this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Peace.

        2. This Writer doesn’t know about the NCW and passed condemning
          Judgements. You must be SATAN and very, very SINFUL to create misinformations

        3. What good do they do? Be specific. They are a cult as they impose thier own ideas on us and if we do not agree, we are excommunicated… whom are you trying to defend ?

          1. I haven’t heard of anybody being excommunicated for disagreeing with them. Chased out of the particular parish? Yes, but not excommunicated.

    2. yes Simon . It is. I was in it for 13 years maybe more. My life was kept so insanely occupied that there was no time ever for anything or anyone else …in other words you are slowly seperated from family and friends not in the NCW. This is typical cult behaviour. Manipulation, threats and fear are tools used to keep people within the confines of the group. You are made to feel and told often till you actually believe that you are ‘nothing but shit’ .The name of the game is EGO, emotions and feelings are played with in order to keep you in . I could give hundereds of examples personal and otherwise but I was in it and it is a cult and very dangerous,

      1. Yes.

        What you said is totally true according to my experience with this “charism” over the last 40 years with my family. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you read this 4 years later.

        I have a lot to say about this group. And Kiko. And the whole cycle of unintended abuse that turned me off to this thing in the first place. – JMS

        1. Hello Joshua, I was also born and raised inside The Way, I’m a young adult now and in the process of leaving my community. I would like to get in contact with you if that’s is okay.

          1. I also grew up in the Way. I left at 18. I was kicked out of my home because I wouldn’t attend it anymore. Nearly all the youth from our community left at that time. It was right after second scrutiny.

          2. Hi Marie,
            I’m married to a person born and raised inside the way, and I’m starting to be desperate that person will ever leave the way… I’m looking for people to discuss this with, and understand what made you wish to leave eventually. Would you be open to discuss that? Thanks and no problem if you don’t wish to 🙂

      2. Yes!

        Many people leave the way because they are scandalized by their sins, maybe because they can’t accept their reality.

        In other words these people like you are hypocrites. Like me I accept that I am also a hypocrite but the difference is some people are blinded by their hypocrisy.

        Thats why some people leave their house because of the problems in their house they dont want to face it haha.

        Also they don’t give 10% of their salary haha, they even put it in a black bag which you cannot see, so poor people who cannot give money for the food they eat will not fee ashamed. Funny writer.

        The way doesnt teach you to be a bad person, it shows you how bad of a person you are so that you will not be blinded of yourself and try to change slowly. If a formation helps you grow your faith would you call it a cult? No sense at all.

          1. I do not understand how, even inside the church, there is persecution. There is no right or wrong side inside the catholic church ministries. We are all trying to reach the same goal, eternal salvation, so why put another ministry down because they do not align with your personal beliefs? The NCW is not for everybody if you want to live a devotional faith, there is nothing wrong with that, but this here is a non-devotional faith where we see God working in our lives with concrete evidence and real, not just a superficial faith, but an adult faith. I have yet to see another ministry where the youth truly fall in love with Christ. Let’s be honest: at a certain age, the youth stops listening to their parents and becomes rebellious, so they need another voice to guide them to listen to that is not the parents because the devil is very real, and this persecution inside the church shows that he is not outside the church, but rather sitting right next to us. Again, I repeat, the NCW is not for everyone; it takes one to be very humble to accept the words given by any means, am I saying that I am humble because I know I am a very flawed person, but it is because of that that God loves me. God Bless you, Chuck.

          2. It’s a good thing that you don’t have a “devotional faith” like me and that you’re humble!

      3. Very much in agreement. My so. and I have been in the way for a year now and so far, it’s beginning to annoy me frankly with constant talks about why it is important never miss out on any of their announcements, which lasts for 2 hours… sometimes three! I don’t mind them, but when things start to conflict with other priorities, then that’s where the problem starts. We had a catechumenal meeting to introduce new members and my son couldn’t go due to homework and sports. Practice often times finishes around 6pm and most of their meetings start at 7. We have a small number of members in the way, he’s been faithfully going to almost all of their meetings except for one, and the leader of the first community was there, and boy… did I get an earful of how it’s inexcusable to miss out. His co responsible was also there and she was not very understanding either. For she told me that it was the wrong kind of reason to miss the meeting and that he needed to try better and make time for the meeting and have better time management skills. I was so irritated! But kept my mouth shut about it and instead of arguing, I turned the other cheek. This is not the first time, but in many occasions, since joining the way, I noticed that there’s always an unexpected announcement or retreat that was planned the day before by the leader. I don’t understand way they do this! So unexpected! I dislike this and I do t think I’m happy being in it. I only wanted to learn about scripture and fellowship, it seems like once in the way… always!

        1. Yes, run! Get away from them and take your son away before it is too late! Lots of depressed and disturbed young people there.
          It took me 22 years to see it and rescue my kids from it. My husband still partially involved, it is very very difficult!

  2. “Por sus frutos los conoceréis” Nos ha dicho el Señor. y gracias a la IGLESIA, y a través de este Camino concreto de FE, el CAMINO NEOCATECUMENAL, damos fe y testimoniamos de que el Señor ha obrado en nuestras vidas y ha hecho grandes cosas. Esto es lo más importante… Tantos dones y gracias recibidas … es más que suficiente para alabar, bendecir y dar gracias al Señor por su fidelidad, por su Misericordia, y su AMOR manifestado gratuitamente en cada uno de nosotros.. (FAMILIA VANEGAS CALDERÓN compuesta de 10 hijos y 40 años de Camino)

    1. Santiago, estamos cosechando los frutos amargos del Camino Neocatecumenal aquí en Guam. Ver estas historias de un nuevo presbítero Neocatecumenal que fue encontrado realizando sexo oral a una niña en su parroquia.

    2. Hello Chuck, best wishes. I just want to commend you for insightful approach to this so called “neocatechumenal way” I lived up until 2017 in an urban parish that was quite literally taken over by the way by that notorious Archbishop of Boston, Bernard Law who should have gone to jail for his perpetuating/enabling priest sexual abusers. He like JPII had a fixation with authoritarianism control, hence the “way” was imposed on my parish. In no time at all the priests & leaders of the way in East Boston where this parish is located so alienated all the “regular”parishioners that in months the entire parish as an entity really ceased to exist & the place became a cultic, sinister bastion of psychotic & delusional misfits dictating a very very narrow minded quite frankly insane take on Christ, Church openness to other people etc. A dangerous right cult centered on the very strange belief systems of Kilo Aguilera (the hypocritical co founder of The Way who lives in splendid grandeur thanks to his billing of his brain dead followers….he’s the RC version of Jim Jones & Mussolini combined). All East Boston was subject to the mad indoctrination use of mind control/brain washing typical of the way. They destroyed lives, broke up friendships, condemned all & sundry who disagreed with their assimilation tactics. That parish is effectively a mere ghost of its former self having become the local party HQ for the way in the Boston Archdiocese. The insane tirades that were constantly being directed at non way members was truly Hitletesque! I was never drawn to their mindless & anti intellectual screeds myself but have had friends whose lives were forever uprooted by those lunatics. A good friend lost his wonderful marriage to a truly good woman due to the insidious inveighlings of the way. Anyone who states that they are not a cult has serious problems discerning reality or has become totally assimilated to that deranged, far right, frankly insane entity! It has powerful RC predates in their pockets & makes it out to Pope Francis that they are compassionate seekers of Christ’s lost sheep. They are a collective wolf in sheep’s clothing & always were. My fondest hope is that in light of the liberalizing of Church structures in this era that a future Pope will recognize them for the ghastly evil thing they are & suppress the whole movement along with similar cultic entities like Focolare, Communion & Liberation….in short plenty of other paranoid/delusional groups who have infiltrated the Church! I am sure they know who it is that us posting this….I’m proud to expose something as destructive as this to the world. They really have stepped out of a Dan Brown novel! My advice to anyone looking for spiritual guidance to avoid them like the plague! To anyone who feels trapped in their clutches, I say don’t walk away…RUN AWAY as if your life/sanity depends on it….because it REALLY DOES!!!! Thanks Chuck…peace.

  3. La posibilidad de convertirnos y acoger su Palabra, el Señor nos lo concede a cada uno. Somos libres de responder y escoger el Camino del Bien, o el Camino del Mal, y cada uno de nosotros es el responsable absoluto de todas las acciones que cometamos, ante Dios y la Sociedad… Este pobre hermano no ha querido convertirse y ha caído en desgracia. Lamentable y repudiable por cierto la acción que cometió. Que Dios tenga misericordia y se apiade de este hermano. El SEÑOR es el único y soberano juez.

    1. …Lamentable y repudiable por cierto la acción que cometió….

      English translation: “…Indeed it is a regrettable and condemnable action that he has committed…”

      It sounds like you are the one who is judging, Santiago! Why don’t you counter my arguments with facts?

  4. I’ve been a forced member of this cult for 10 years. My parents became members since i was a baby. I grew around it and I’ve seen how they play with the lives of this people how they control their thoughts.

    I’ve seen my family change specially my mother and sister, they have no friends and no life outside “the way” they are obsessed with “the way” in a very scary and irritating way. My mother even blackmails me into going. The weak minds get lost in “the way” they are twisted and they always gather and talk about Kiko, they truly put this man on pedestal.

    All the marriages complain about their spouses they humiliate each other at the convivence I see how they suffer and how they still believe deeply that they’re each others crosses bound to make each other suffer to gain salvation because that’s what kiko teaches about your own Cross, another terrible misconception and lie.

      1. Hi Chuck, my family is keeping me from leaving once I move out of my parents house I won’t get near them. I live in San Pedro sula, Homduras; it was considered the most dangerous city in the world, so it’s not very easy to just move out when you already have a very safe place to live, thank God. So as much as I despise the way I’m stuck there for some months, it won’t be too long.

        I must add I don’t consider myself part of it. On my last convivence the leader of the community (it’s called a “responsable” in Spanish) called me out for not caring about it, using my phone and taking his peace away.

        Sorry if I write too much, there’s a lot for me to say about it, I’ve seen and heard so much over this 10 years, the way hasn’t had it very easy in my church, a couple of priests don’t like it 2 of them told me that directly.
        I’d love to answer any questions if any.

        1. Hola Lisa, yo soy David. Soy de San Salvador y mi caso es muy parecido al tuyo. Mis padres me han obligado a ir al camino desde pequeno. Tengo 15 años y ahora me considero agnostico. El problema es que los catequistas de mis padres los tienen dominados mentalmente.

          1. Translation: Hi Lisa, I’m David. I am from San Salvador and my case is very similar to yours. My parents forced me to go in the Way from the time I was small. I have 15 years and now consider myself agnostic. The problem is that catechists of my parents have dominated us mentally.

        2. Yes,when I was a part of this along with my family, the community got kicked out of the church because the priests there didn’t like it. We had to find a different church to attend.

          1. Mine too.
            The catechists said we were being “persecuted”.

            At age 12 when it happened, I remember thinking… no, the community isn’t being a part of the regular parish and it’s bugging people… including the priests! That’s why we’re getting kicked out. Geez! So embarrassing. And their willing ignorance of that fact even more so. Astonshing for me ’til this day.

    1. I left too and no one contacted me EVER once I finally left for good . This is part fo the mind control. You are made to be dependant on the ncw and are cut off from everything else in your previous life, so two things happen when you leave. 1. First you get tracked down and told how damned your life can be if you leave ….this was MY experience the first time ….I was told my kids would become gay!!! Among other things. I have also heard how another family who left were visited and the husband was offered a ‘better role’ in the community and told he ‘could go far’ if he stayed ! The second time when we left for good we were totally ignored no one called or cared or asked how we were or even why we left …maybe they knew one of my kids had been sexually abused by one of thier Priests and they decided to not chase us. It was just as hurtful we felt alone and depressed and couldnt understand why these people our so called ‘brothers and sisters’ who knew ALL our intimate secrets would close off from us. I have known people who have left but they have been strong enough to just walk away without any concern …..also these have mostly been single people …think about it the ncw wants to keep families not so much singles its a numbers thing….fodder for next gen of ncw!

  5. If you were a true Catholic Christian you would be silent and not be slandering and gossiping about others. When Jesus was lead by his own people (Jews) to his slaughter he never said a word.
    It is clear that you feel superior over the people who walk in the Way and it is clear that the devil has also blinded you with the same attitudes the Jews had about Jesus.

    Praying for you all to get in touch with Lord through reading his Gospels and other reading from the Bible.

    1. You are quite wrong, Chris. Christians are not to be silent in the face of corruption and abuse. If they were, then the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. should have stayed home. Kiko deforms the Gospel in his teaching, “Do not resist evil”. Read more.

  6. Be very careful with this CULT. They do psychological tricks to make you their slave. You end up being controlled by this CULT. My parents fell for it and now belong to this CULT. The major problem here is that they go out very week door to door trying to get more people into this CULT. Be careful, these people are trained to worship the CULT and to spread the word.

  7. I was in a relationship with a man -( a member of NCW) for 8 years, living together for 3 yrs. We got to know each other 17 years ago in London, while doing our studies. That time he was a regular catholic boy. But since he started to do cammino he has changed, I have seen all the mentioned above in his life- separating from friends, not having time for anything else only their meeting, separating from myself as I refused to join. We split up, his words were that he can not marry the love of his life because I wouldn’t do the cammino and join the community. I still get his messages how much he is in love with me and how painful it is not to be together any longer. God forbid any of my friends or mambers of my family ever have to make such a decision, cos it breaks you beyond repair!

  8. Before I talk about Kiko’s cult, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Clement Kim, I’m currently a forced member of the Neocathechumenal way, and I’m ashamed to say that my parents are proud members of this cult. Anyways, I’m gonna talk about this cult.

    My parents have been members since I was about 5 or 7 years old, and they forced me to join in 2015. I’ve always known there was something wrong with the Neocathechumenal way after thinking it was a good organization almost all my life (my parents brainwashed me that time), and this website that I’m typing this on shows it all, and it makes a lot of sense. Now let me talk about what makes the Neocatechumenal way an obvious cult. I want to join another Catholic organization that I’ve looked into, but my cult-member parents would not allow me to join because they think it’s an “ultra conservative cult”, they would have long talks with me about the Catholic organization and try to lecture me into thinking it is bad, and whenever they do have those long talks, they always mention the Neocatechumenal way and tell me that the cult is better than the Catholic organization I want to join. The only thing I hear and see when my parents do that is them with a sly grin and giving me a “come here” hand gesture and saying “Come on, son, join the dark side, we’re not that bad, they are the bad ones, not the Neocatechumenal way”. Trust me, there is much more.

    Every single meeting with the catechists (convivences, Eucharist celebrations, and more), we are given a Bible verse which is read to us by a microphone by catechist, itinerant, or a responsible, and then they tell us how we do not follow that verse and we are bad people, basically that’s when they try to put guilt in us, and make us feel like garbage, and they succeed at it, and often enough, they use that verse to remark Kiko and how he’s a good follower of that verse. It’s always very obvious to me that they are putting him on a high pedestal on those times, but the other members fall for it, and now they’re all saying that he is a prophet and that he and Carmen are gonna make it to Saint Hood! Not to mention, the members are always talking about Kiko and how much of a great man he is whenever they’re on breaks.

    Also, after every one of those meetings, they pass bags around for people to put money in, and encourage us to put lots of money in it. I was forced by my parents to put money in the bag several times, and I’m upset that I was forced to donate to the cult. The catechist also once told us in these exact words “If you put little money in the bag for food on the way home or something–your food is gonna taste like crap, just put lots of money in and get something cheap on the way like a Hot Dog or something because you know what? It’s gonna be the best hot dog you’ve ever tasted in your life because you know that the hot dog was given to you by God”.

    I wish my parents would just stop sucking in lies from the Neocatechumenal way. The scary thing about this cult was how they trained the minds of my parents that if they left the Neocatechumenal way, then they might as well go to hell, because they feel like they left their only path to Heaven. Do you see how this cult is very clever at getting people to stay? For God’s sake my parents think they might as well go to hell if they leave now! If that’s not cult-like, then I don’t know what it is. Kiko Argüello is a born cult leader, just like Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, or “Moonie” Church.

    All I can say to my parents is that I hope they wake up, and know that they’ve been lied to, and I don’t like seeing my parents being lied to. All I know is that once I’m out of my parents’ house, I’m leaving the Neocatechumenal way, because I’m pretty tired of being in a cult. May God have mercy on Kiko Argüello, and also on his puppet teachers.

  9. This is deeply unsettling. Over a third of young men in formation in my archdiocese mention the Neocatechuminal Way or Redemptoris Mater in their bios. These are the next leaders of the Church – I sincerely hope the divisive language and prescriptions for worship/salvation I read here don’t find their way into the greater Church. More engagement within the community is great, more study of scripture and catechism would be wonderful, but there shouldn’t be hidden (and framed as superior) “truths” available to a select few. From what I understand, this smacks of Calvinism, to be totally honest.

    1. Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez founded a movement within the Catholic Church called the Neocatechumenal Way in the sixties. This movement is now a “sect” within the Church, and has its own doctrine and leadership hierarchy.

      Carmen and Kiko never married and to my knowledge, never had a romantic relationship with each other. A strong cult of personality surrounds Kiko Arguello. Most members of the sect consider him to be a living saint and prophet. Only his art and music are allowed in the sect’s worship and liturgy.

      Carmen died last year, and despite the sect’s tradition of discouraging prayer for miracles, the sect is trying its utmost to get Carmen canonized or declared a saint by the Catholic Church. This would require at least two bona fide miracles attributed to her intercession.

  10. Whoever is in the Neocathechumenal way, LEAVE NOW. This is not the “Way” and they have no right to call themselves it. It is nothing but a cult. If you’ve seen what I, other members, and members of the clergy have been talking about, you’ll see. After waking up, I’ve seen how much of a robot I’ve been.

  11. The Way changed my life for the better and going for the best. I was not forced to join the community nor am I being controlled by it. It has good intentions just like any other well-meaning church institutions. Who composes all these institutions are sometimes the ones who, because of being mere humans, cause the institutions all the wrong impressions and negativities thrown their way. But, not surprising, since the devil can use anybody at all cost to block the road to the Lord. In my case, The Way serves me well and strongly leads me to God. It’s all that matters. 🙂

    1. Actually, Elsie, that not all that matters. The truth matters, and the Way distorts the truth quite often. And while you’ll probably reply that they Way is approved by the Popes, please know that the Holy See has only approved the Statute of the Way, not each and every teaching.

  12. The neocatecnumenal way destroyed my childhood parish plain and simple. It is a vicious beast that victimized and brainwashed it’s members, most of whom are vulnerable & prone to be sucked into this cult. It preys on people’s weak points & aggrandizes that fascist madman Kokomo Aguilera to the point beyond hero worship. If this thing tries to get it’s tentacles into you, run…don’t walk away…from it & thank God for letting you get away from it’s pernicious, twisted, mind controlling influence. More on this at a future time.

  13. Thank you for this website. I grew up in the NCW and was involved in some capacity or another for 30+ years. My parents are longtime catechists and I’ve seen the relationship between them and my siblings deteriorate as they choose the NCW community over family every time, espousing the language of blind obedience as true faith and silencing any criticism. This has only gotten worse during Covid when catechists have gone around diocesan protocols, meeting in secret, even in groups well into the hundreds, telling members to not speak up if they get sick, and strong arming members into not getting vaccinated. I have family on mission around the world and I know that so many struggle with the idea of leaving when they’ve given up their entire livelihoods for this “new evangelization.” Every one of your articles is on the nose about the culture of secrecy and brainwashing (and tbh, I find Kiko’s aesthetic nauseatingly juvenile). I only hope that those struggling with the decision to leave come across these pages and recognize their choice is valid and true. Contrary to how the NCW twists the Gospel, it does not mean you have left the Catholic Church or condemned yourself to Hell.

  14. I WISH I can leave but until I am in my parents house I cannot. I am still not of age to leave. It is a very manipulative group and caused me to go into a deep depression and contemplate ending my life multiple times. I cannot wait for an opportunity to leave

    1. No one in the NCW forces anyone to be here, you are free to do what ever you want. This isn’t a cult, it’s a way of living a Christian life if you think other wise then leave. Like I said no one can force anyone to stay not even your parents. Just know God loves you the way you are.

  15. I live in the UK, Scotland to be accurate. I got involved with the NCW, via my mother who had been a member since they first arrived in our city. I won’t go into details, take too long. All I can now say is absolute crap. Spend some time do critical research then decide

    1. Jacob, f you think papal approval extends to everything Kiko says and does, you are sadly mistaken.

  16. R/neocatechumenalcult

    If u r trying to leave or want too connec with others about the experiense of getting out.

  17. Paul VI
    John Paul II
    Benedict XVI
    Pope Francis.
    Supported the way.
    Five dicasteries scrutinize the cathequesis
    120 Redemptoris Mater seminaris
    Thousands of families rebuilt .
    Chamorros don’t stifle the Holy Spirit
    Don’t be incredulous

  18. I was born and raised in the NCW. Left at 19 although I never wanted to join a community in the first place. I would sometimes cry when my parents forced me to go and the only thing that made me happy there were my friends. Till this day I don’t know how my parents were OK with me not going anymore even when still living with them. It was hard though. I missed the friends I had there, we knew each other since we were born and joined the same community, so we were together all the time. Some of them left around that time too. I think the second scrutiny makes a lot of people leave. From my experience people’s reaction when someone leaves is to pray for them in the Eucharist and regularly call them saying they miss seeing them there.

    Only after talking with my now boyfriend about it I started looking at the way with different eyes. I never wanted to be there, mostly because I never believed in god, but I never thought about it as bad. I always felt like it made sense to create small groups of people so you could be able to share and know each other better than in the Sunday masses. I would say some of the things I find wrong about it are:
    – It consumes a lot of people’s time. Especially if you have a position there like catechist or a responsible. We had to go one day of the week, and Saturday, and then there were days we had to prepare the ceremonies (which if you have a small community is very often) and then last Sunday of the month we had a day together, and sometimes we had to get together for the weekend.
    – As an introvert I always hated how you were forced to talk. At 13 you had to talk about what god was to you, what were your idols, etc etc. Most of us were there because our parents made us go, and we were so young. I remember saying school was my idol because sometimes I would prefer to say at home studying instead of going and leaving it in the hands of God lol.
    – I can only talk about the second scrutiny because that’s how far I went but you have to talk about a lot of personal stuff with everyone around you. And I hated it so much. I wish I could go back in time and just say I was there forced instead of sharing so much stuff I didn’t want to. It’s also annoying the secrecy around what each scrutiny is.
    – I remember talking to my cousin, who attended Sunday masses and youth groups, about the NCW and she said that from the few catechesis she attended she felt like we were very negative. And were very focused on sin and ego. She never felt that in the church.
    – Although there were never forced marriages they would sometimes talk about how important it was to be with someone within the church, preferably in the way. Because that would make things easier. Because someone outside might not understand why you spend so much time there, and used to say that people usually leave when one of the partners is not from the way.

    This is a loong post, but I wanted to share my experience since I don’t see many people talking about this group.

  19. I have a very close friend that was born and raised in the NCW. His life has been consumed by it and it is very obvious that he has been struggling and something has been off with him. He forces himself to believe that the way is not the source of his problem because he is brainwashed and forced to think it isn’t. Me along with other friends of him have tried to talk to him and help him leave this cult, but he believes that there is no way he can leave and his parents force him to go. He is also brainwashed to believe that it is the way and we don’t know what we’re talking about. Can someone help me and give me advice on how to help him?

  20. Hi, Chuck! Greetings from Poland

    I left the NWC about 2 years ago, not agreeing with the manipulations that took place there. I struggled with my decision and guilt for a long time. My spiritual director (priest) helped me by asking me a simple question: what is needed for salvation? Being in a state of sanctifying grace and receiving Holy Communion. Nothing more. It was very liberating for me.

    Lately, I’ve been trying to sort out the reasons for my departure logically. For myself, but also because I still have friends on NWC who ask why I left. There is a lot of helpful information on your blog. Moreover, 95% of them are true – I speak from my own experience. The problem with NWC is very subtle, and people accusing NWC do not understand the subject or treat it poorly. They are also often traditionalists, which makes their opinions from the point of view perceived as crazy.

    Example – general confession. There is of course no public confession at the NWC. But what is happening at the scrutinium and at meetings with catechists is a lot of abuse and drawing people’s intimate matters out of them. There are more such topics. Understanding the Holy Mass, understanding obedience, understanding human freedom, even understanding sin and grace.

    It’s hard to spot errors inside NWC, and it’s even harder to talk about them in a way that doesn’t make you look like a liar or a lunatic. Perhaps this is why bishops don’t see any problem with NWC. They see the “fruits” of the NWC, and not what is really happening

    It seems to me that people from NWC need to be treated with delicacy and surgical precision. Otherwise they will take any criticism as an attack. And they do. It’s similar to Jehovah’s Witnesses – they don’t see inside their bubble that it’s a cage. Maybe it’s not even possible to convince them, unless they’ll found out the problem by themself. That was my case. I was impregnated for any arguments & I thought that I’m right and others are wrong. But the pressure from catechists was to strong for me and finally I realized that I don’t need to listen what they say.

    It must also be said that there are a lot of decent people who keep their distance from what the catechists say. Somehow they only take good stuff from the NWC for themselves. There are also blind followers, crooks and so one – as everywhere. Thank you for the opportunity to publish this comment.

    Good luck and sorry for my bad English.

  21. Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Beware of the one who tries to divide the church. That is what I think of them. Yes they are a cult. Yes they came to my Catholic Church, blessed it was that they left without any luck at dividing the church or contaminating it with it’s alternative interpretations . We did not drink the Kool-Aid.

  22. The Neocatechumenal Way is a spiritual movement within the Catholic Church that aims to deepen the faith of its members through a process of ongoing formation. It is important to note that the Neocatechumenal Way does not impose or force anyone to join or leave the movement. Participation in the Neocatechumenal Way is a personal choice made by individuals who feel called to embark on a journey of faith and spiritual growth. The movement respects the freedom of individuals to make their own decisions regarding their involvement, ensuring that no one is coerced or pressured into joining or leaving the Neocatechumenal Way. Please, if you want to know truly what the Neocatechumenal Way is like, come to a Eucharist for the first time, or if you have left it, come again. You are accepted everywhere. The Lord is coming soon! The word has come to you and you are all to ignorant to see it. I beg of you, for all of your own souls, repent and forgive now! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Don’t think that this is BS! I cannot guarantee anything except for the fact that God loves you as you are and that God loves you to his full extent. God doesn’t love you a little bit, he does not love you with half of his heart. The Lord loves you with his whole heart and more! No matter what you chose, know that we are waiting for you in the Eucharist.
    With Love,
    A Missionary,
    A Child of God,
    A Sinner.

    1. Dear Proud,

      I already avail myself to the awesome grace of the Holy Eucharist every Sunday, if not more often.

      1. May God bless you and keep you well.
        About the NCW .. sorry if I come again .. do you happen to have the “Mamotretos” volumes in English as well. The Vol I is in English .. but the rest?
        Many thanks!

  23. Hi Chuck, I am a newbie to the NeoCats .. I was searching for a community of believers to study the bible. Unfortunately, our parish does not offer this for adults. So I thought, I’ll give it a try.
    Your blog is helping with opening the ‘ears’ to what they falsely say .. and then I go and search in the Catholic Credo.
    Next week we have the first ‘convivence’ and will see how this whole thing develops.
    For me, the teachings of the Catholic Church is the core belief .. and anything else, goes from one ear to the other …
    Have a good day

    1. Marianne, at the end of next week’s convince they will ask you to join the newly formed community or to leave immediately. At that’s been a well-documented practice.

  24. Hey Chuck!
    I just wanted to let you know that there’s a growing Sub-Reddit board with many people speaking out against the NCW, giving their personal experiences and helping other neocats that are currently trying to leave the NCW.
    Just wanted to let you know that this growing community of ex-neocats exists!

  25. I can’t believe that there are so many foolish and gullible IDIOTS in this world, that they would join something like this.

  26. In light of the recent developments from the holy see regarding the dissolution of the sudilatium christianae movement coming after decades of sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse within its ranks beginning with the movement’s leadership, I think it might be helpful at this time to consider afresh the continued existence of the neocatechumenal way as a desirable entity in the Church. There are many similarities between the 2 communities. To the point, both engage in forms of mind control, insist upon total subjugation of the will to the designs of the movement’s hierarchy, and subjugate members to abide by/adopt a slavish mentality of unquestioning obedience to the dictates of the organization. In this they are not unlike the Borg Collective in the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” TV series. Like Sodalitium the Neocatechumenate operates in a closed, secretive milieu and invites comparison. Given all that we have learned about Fernando Figari and the destructive and abusive enterprise he created it bears mentioning that the neocatechumenate as founded by Kiko Aguilerra shares the exact template for an organization bound unquestioningly to the practice of imposing a rigid way of understanding Catholic Christianity. Closed and close minded institutions are ripe breeding grounds for all kinds of abuse. The fact that such bodies fall under the protective umbrella of Roman Catholicism is not germane to the argument and is in fact totally inconsequential.
    The long and the short of the matter is that the Neocatechumenate practices indoctrination much like Sodalitium. It is doubly tragic when those who are victimized by such organizations are vulnerable individuals but sadly this is the demographic that predatory institutions engage in.
    We would do well to exercise the greatest caution with a group as notoriously unsavory as the Neocatechumenate. I don’t think it would be unrealistic to believe that within 10-20 years the Catholic Church will be facing the possible suppression of the Neocatechumenate. Sometimes sadly decades have to go by before the light of day and of truth is able to penetrate the darkness of dangerous authoritarian groups that masquerade as faith imbued.
    The Neocatechumenate shares much with Sodalitium, Communion & Liberation, Focolare, the Emmanuel Community, Opus Dei and scores of similar movements. All engage in a toxic cult of personality surrounding their respective founders, a pathological brand of hero worship if you will. Most came of age under John Pau II who was notoriously for being a poor judge of the charisma of religious movements. Any and all movements were simply mandated to profess unquestioning obedience to a narrow minded reactionary interpretation of Catholicism in order to gain his favor. Witness the Legion of Christ and the Institute of the Incarnate Word. So long as the structure professed unquestioning acceptance of a narrow right wing set of propositions all was considered to have passed muster with JP 2. Only years later have we just begun to bear witness to the dangers of such ways of thinking/seeing Church.
    The Neocatechumenate destroys free will all the while professing to be Catholic and Christian. The horror stories are truly tragic. I can tell you that they destroyed the parish of my youth imposing factionalism and division where there was none hitherto their arrival. They do not build community among believers but foster separatism within the Church. Sadly the Church is going to have face this problem if not now certainly within 10 years. In closing all I can say is that the Catholic Church has a moral imperative to rid itself of destructive elements, to purge itself of what is inimical to the name of Christian.
    It did what is necessary in the case of Sodalitium. In due time it will of necessity have to make a like decision on the fate of the Neocatechumenate.

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