The Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas

Here’s an English translation of a great catechism written by St. Thomas Aquinas, a 13th century Dominican friar, saint and…

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

And this is the writing that was inscribed: mene, mene, tekel, and parsin. Daniel 5:25 RSV The story of “the…

Woman, what is that to me and to thee?

And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. And Jesus saith to her:…

Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit?

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth…

A Handbook of Moral Theology

Here is a classic guide to moral theology, faithful to the Magisterium and written before things got wacky. Prümmer, O.P.,…

What Does the Catholic Church Teach?

There are several good sources to learn what the Catholic Church actually teaches. Catechisms, especially the Roman Catechism and the…

The Six Days of Creation

Introduction St. Thomas Aquinas has provided the Church with an intriguing interpretation of the six days of creation described in…

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

And this is the writing that was inscribed: mene, mene, tekel, and parsin. Daniel 5:25 RSV The story of “the…

A Brief History of the Latin Vulgate

Introduction What role does the Latin Vulgate, St. Jerome's translation of the Sacred Scriptures into Latin, play in the Church…

The Tent of Meeting

Thirteen out of forty chapters of the Book of Exodus concern the “Tent of Meeting” and the ritual worship associated…

The Senses of Sacred Scripture

Before his conversion to Christianity, the learned St. Augustine had reached a stumbling block, or so he thought.  His difficulty…

The Prayer of a Desperate Man: Some Psalms and a Bottle of Coke

Last May, Harrison Okene, the Nigerian cook aboard the tug Jacson-4, was rescued from 30 meters below the Atlantic after…

Forty Days

Several years ago my brother Carl, a drummer, announced that he was forming a new band. When I asked him…

Man Accuses Guam’s Archbishop Anthony Apuron of Molesting Him As a Child Flanked by attorney David Lujan and his family members, Roy Taitague Quintanilla held a mini-press conference in front of…

“We have seen His star at its rising.”

Here's a short podcast I recorded on the Magi, the Star of Bethlehem and an ancient prophecy that circulated among…