In search of the true, the good, and the beautiful.
Kiko Forbids the “Horrors of the Computers”!
The Neocatechumenal blog “Kairos” reports, as do others, that Kiko Arguello forbid members to use social media (“YouTube and all these things”) at the Convivenza di Inizio Corso (“Beginning of the Year Convivence”) ,held in Porto San Giorgio, Italy, from September 17-20, 2015.
The Porto San Giorgio convivence is the beginning of a series of convivences held throughout the world in the autumn of every year., and what is taught in the Porto San Giorgio convivence is passed on to the rest of the sect in a series of convivences held soon thereafter.
Ostensibly, the command to “send [the computers] to hell” was given by Kiko in order to save marriages, but the real reason is that internet and social media efficiently reveal the secrets of the sect and drive away recruits and members.
There is no indication that members of the Way are taking this command seriously , and it is not known just how seriously members will eventually take this dictum, and whether they consider it “moralism“, something else that Kiko vociferously disdains. Besides, if they ignore Kiko in this matter, the Scrutinies will ever so more juicy.
Here is what Kiko said, translated from the Italian:
“The prophet”, Kiko Arguello
“Christians read Scripture every day. And if you do not read Scripture, you are disobedient. And if you take those horrors of tablets, computers … look how many couples are destroyed!
While the husband works, the wife is chatting with a gentleman and one day says to her husband: “I’m leaving” and leaves him there. How can we defend ourselves, how can we protect our children from all these maneuvers of the devil that are destroying society?
Young people of the Way chatting with each other, make a small group, after they gather and then you realize that they have already ended up fornicating, even those of the Way! Because they started to chat. This is forbidden, we said clearly, such as YouTube and all these things, banned altogether: close all these horrors of the computers and send them to hell, if you want to be saved from the world, the devil, because they are the windows through which [the devil] enters the world and it darkens the soul inside you and you generate a vice.”
14 thoughts on “Kiko Forbids the “Horrors of the Computers”!”
“Young people of the Way chatting with each other, make a small group, after they gather and then you realize that they have already ended up fornicating”
These kind of scenarios happen only in porn…
If this was true computer nerds would be known as getting laid the most. Which is quite opposite from reality.
It does not even make sense, people were chatting and then they started to fornicate… So they started to fornicate because they were talking … if this were true talking should be forbidden.
” if you want to be saved from the world, the devil, because they are the windows through which [the devil] enters the world”
If this is not brainwashing i don’t know what is. Once when you brainwash someone you own that person. Because you control the information on which he makes his decisions.
Wait don’t they have cell phones? They are computers to… Oh but you need those so we will keep them…
What a bunch of hypocrites.
“How can we defend ourselves, how can we protect our children from all these maneuvers of the devil that are destroying society?”
Well maybe ask God to help us, i mean isn’t that his department, fighting against the devil?
Didn’t he already defeated the devil?
A religion that preaches that you are the one who should fight the devil basically says that God either does not love you or does care to do it on his own.
Have you been on youtube lately? The Neocats are all over it… and facebook and instagram, I know because I’m in there too! Its the abuse of it, the sin that comes with the abuse of it. Pastors all over the US (not necesarily catholic or from the NCW) and secular marriage counselors are openly stating that facebook has been directly liked the the demise of marriages. Its about weakness in the face of temptation!
Maria from New Jersey, are you denying that Kiko forbid the use of social media? That’s the question. By the way, three friends in the Way have recently cancelled their Facebook accounts.
I’ve never heard of this. However I did go to the second scrutiny. I was really young so I didn’t really understand. I have a better relationship with God now than before. Would I like to go back to the community, yes,but I’d rather start over.
I am not a member of the neocatechumenal way or even a catholic. I do find it, however, alarming that you have dedicated much of your website to criticising a movement within the catholic church and its leadership with little or no objectivity whatsoever.
Your bias is a patently obvious to any reader. Let me illustrate from the above article. You quote Mr Arguello as stating that people should “send [the computers] to hell in order to save marriages”, but then go on to state definitively state that the real motivation behind this statement was “that the internet and social media efficiently reveal the secrets of the sect and drive away recruits and members”. Can I enquire as to how you gained this insight into the intent behind Mr Arguello? It certainly is not evident in the statement you attributed to him. Mr White, you do this repeatedly throughout your literature. It is blatantly evident that you are as misleading and deceptive in your critique as you allege Mr Arguello is in his teaching.
” Can I enquire as to how you gained this insight into the intent behind Mr Arguello? It certainly is not evident in the statement you attributed to him.”
To be honest , no we cannot know for certain what Kiko meant from this statement alone. But we can conclude something from them:
1 He said that facebook and other social media are correlated with more divorces or something like that. This makes sense if there really is such correlation.
2 He mentioned youtube as a chat. You tube is not a chat, but rather popular way of spreading information. So he either made a mistake because he does not really know what youtube is, or he is trying to remove youtube for some other reason.
3 He argues a rather naive scenario in which people started to fornicate shortly after they chatted on facebook or whatever.
This does not happen.
Because this does not happen we can conclude that his scenario is made up and exaggerated for some other reason then the one that is offered as an excuse – fornication.
It is a fact that NCW has a rule where older members do not tell younger members how things operate later on the Way. People are kept in the dark. This is a form of information control that NCW practices.
It is no secret that members gradually leave the Way. After 10 years almost 30-50% of people from my community left the Way.
While it is correct that it is not evident from present Kiko’s statement alone what are the real motives behind his statement , from deeper understanding of how things work on NCW its not far fetched to conclude that the real reasons are at least in part to limit flow of information because if people would know more about NCW they would not join in the first place.
Considering how much stuff NCW members MAKE UP about God, the devil, the bible, their own members , the outside world without any actual evidence or argument for it, its a bit … well ironical that we who criticize the Way are asked for evidence…
Their general modus operandi of a neocat for determining what is truth is:
If your statement fits my worldview its true.
If your statement does not fit my worldview it is from the devil.
Their worldview of course is formed mostly by the catechists because they … well… “speak in the name of the Lord”
And that is an exact quote they told me. Not at the beginning of course, because i would never join.
The “devil” is their mechanism through which they distort reality and erase facts and observations which they cannot fit into their preconceived notion of reality.
For example: If i think i am not happy on the Way or i think its a bad place -” i am deceived from the devil”.
And that is also an exact quote from my catechists.
“If you leave the community the devil might deceive you”
Once i was on a pilgrimage and my friend who was a priest saw me thinking deeply about something and he told me: “Do no talk with the devil” – and smiled… because thinking is talking with the devil, just like the internet.
There are at least 4 effects on NCW that are achieved willingly or unwillingly with talking about the devil:
Stopping people from thinking “wrong” thoughts.
Making them afraid of leaving the community.
Demonizing things that could harm the Way.
Erasing reality ( peoples experiences of the Way ) that does not fit into their worldview.
So you see, it might not be obvious to you what Kiko really meant, but people who experienced the Way and left know exactly what he means by it…
Chuck is hilarious , he reminds me of lgbtq and atheists bashing on the Catholic Church for any single mistake we have made. It’s literally the same thing. Everyone hates the church, calls it a cult and everything. I don’t hold kiko infallible, there have obviously been mistakes made by catequistas, but to define the whole movement based off these mistakes and make horrible assumptions and I’ve seen comments on hearing bashing on the way in a very disrespectful manner. The fruits of this blog have been schism, hatred and judgements. The NCW has many flaws that need to be worked on, and if you really want to make a change do it in humility and charity and go to your bishop, instead of getting the megaphone and telling the whole world that the NCW is a bad movement based off your experience and your perspective. It’s exactly what the media does, they misquote the church, they love to spread scandals within the church, and then reach a consensus that the church is evil. But the fruits of the church, that, they don’t see. I only exist because of the Way, and I’m only in the church because of the Way. I’ll be praying for you Chuck. If you want to talk more, email me.
niinja2 has it right. I’m another ex member, grew up in it, and can attest to being prevented from knowledge of the future of the steps, was often told don’t look up The Way on the net, the devil speaks through it etc. And I remember Kiko ordering us to close our Facebook pages before this article – probably 2011. He is very afraid of information being let out about the Way. Desperate to keep his power.
I confirm that Kiko asked to delete all social media way earlier than 2015. It was back in 2010/2011. I was young, my parents were (and unfortunately still are) catechists of this movement, and because Kiko said that social media was the devil… we all were forced by group pressure to erase our online presence. Since then, I distanced myself from this sect and I found a less brainwashing way of living that I end up enjoying a lot.
“Young people of the Way chatting with each other, make a small group, after they gather and then you realize that they have already ended up fornicating”
These kind of scenarios happen only in porn…
If this was true computer nerds would be known as getting laid the most. Which is quite opposite from reality.
It does not even make sense, people were chatting and then they started to fornicate… So they started to fornicate because they were talking … if this were true talking should be forbidden.
” if you want to be saved from the world, the devil, because they are the windows through which [the devil] enters the world”
If this is not brainwashing i don’t know what is. Once when you brainwash someone you own that person. Because you control the information on which he makes his decisions.
Wait don’t they have cell phones? They are computers to… Oh but you need those so we will keep them…
What a bunch of hypocrites.
“How can we defend ourselves, how can we protect our children from all these maneuvers of the devil that are destroying society?”
Well maybe ask God to help us, i mean isn’t that his department, fighting against the devil?
Didn’t he already defeated the devil?
A religion that preaches that you are the one who should fight the devil basically says that God either does not love you or does care to do it on his own.
You tube is not chat, you can chat there but its not used as chat.
What does you tube has to do with chat and fornicating?
Nothing, but it has something to do with spreading information…
Have you been on youtube lately? The Neocats are all over it… and facebook and instagram, I know because I’m in there too! Its the abuse of it, the sin that comes with the abuse of it. Pastors all over the US (not necesarily catholic or from the NCW) and secular marriage counselors are openly stating that facebook has been directly liked the the demise of marriages. Its about weakness in the face of temptation!
Maria from New Jersey, are you denying that Kiko forbid the use of social media? That’s the question. By the way, three friends in the Way have recently cancelled their Facebook accounts.
I’ve never heard of this. However I did go to the second scrutiny. I was really young so I didn’t really understand. I have a better relationship with God now than before. Would I like to go back to the community, yes,but I’d rather start over.
Denisse, I believe that Kiko said this in Italy after you left the Way.
I am not a member of the neocatechumenal way or even a catholic. I do find it, however, alarming that you have dedicated much of your website to criticising a movement within the catholic church and its leadership with little or no objectivity whatsoever.
Your bias is a patently obvious to any reader. Let me illustrate from the above article. You quote Mr Arguello as stating that people should “send [the computers] to hell in order to save marriages”, but then go on to state definitively state that the real motivation behind this statement was “that the internet and social media efficiently reveal the secrets of the sect and drive away recruits and members”. Can I enquire as to how you gained this insight into the intent behind Mr Arguello? It certainly is not evident in the statement you attributed to him. Mr White, you do this repeatedly throughout your literature. It is blatantly evident that you are as misleading and deceptive in your critique as you allege Mr Arguello is in his teaching.
” Can I enquire as to how you gained this insight into the intent behind Mr Arguello? It certainly is not evident in the statement you attributed to him.”
To be honest , no we cannot know for certain what Kiko meant from this statement alone. But we can conclude something from them:
1 He said that facebook and other social media are correlated with more divorces or something like that. This makes sense if there really is such correlation.
2 He mentioned youtube as a chat. You tube is not a chat, but rather popular way of spreading information. So he either made a mistake because he does not really know what youtube is, or he is trying to remove youtube for some other reason.
3 He argues a rather naive scenario in which people started to fornicate shortly after they chatted on facebook or whatever.
This does not happen.
Because this does not happen we can conclude that his scenario is made up and exaggerated for some other reason then the one that is offered as an excuse – fornication.
It is a fact that NCW has a rule where older members do not tell younger members how things operate later on the Way. People are kept in the dark. This is a form of information control that NCW practices.
It is no secret that members gradually leave the Way. After 10 years almost 30-50% of people from my community left the Way.
While it is correct that it is not evident from present Kiko’s statement alone what are the real motives behind his statement , from deeper understanding of how things work on NCW its not far fetched to conclude that the real reasons are at least in part to limit flow of information because if people would know more about NCW they would not join in the first place.
Considering how much stuff NCW members MAKE UP about God, the devil, the bible, their own members , the outside world without any actual evidence or argument for it, its a bit … well ironical that we who criticize the Way are asked for evidence…
Their general modus operandi of a neocat for determining what is truth is:
If your statement fits my worldview its true.
If your statement does not fit my worldview it is from the devil.
Their worldview of course is formed mostly by the catechists because they … well… “speak in the name of the Lord”
And that is an exact quote they told me. Not at the beginning of course, because i would never join.
The “devil” is their mechanism through which they distort reality and erase facts and observations which they cannot fit into their preconceived notion of reality.
For example: If i think i am not happy on the Way or i think its a bad place -” i am deceived from the devil”.
And that is also an exact quote from my catechists.
“If you leave the community the devil might deceive you”
Once i was on a pilgrimage and my friend who was a priest saw me thinking deeply about something and he told me: “Do no talk with the devil” – and smiled… because thinking is talking with the devil, just like the internet.
There are at least 4 effects on NCW that are achieved willingly or unwillingly with talking about the devil:
Stopping people from thinking “wrong” thoughts.
Making them afraid of leaving the community.
Demonizing things that could harm the Way.
Erasing reality ( peoples experiences of the Way ) that does not fit into their worldview.
So you see, it might not be obvious to you what Kiko really meant, but people who experienced the Way and left know exactly what he means by it…
Chuck is hilarious , he reminds me of lgbtq and atheists bashing on the Catholic Church for any single mistake we have made. It’s literally the same thing. Everyone hates the church, calls it a cult and everything. I don’t hold kiko infallible, there have obviously been mistakes made by catequistas, but to define the whole movement based off these mistakes and make horrible assumptions and I’ve seen comments on hearing bashing on the way in a very disrespectful manner. The fruits of this blog have been schism, hatred and judgements. The NCW has many flaws that need to be worked on, and if you really want to make a change do it in humility and charity and go to your bishop, instead of getting the megaphone and telling the whole world that the NCW is a bad movement based off your experience and your perspective. It’s exactly what the media does, they misquote the church, they love to spread scandals within the church, and then reach a consensus that the church is evil. But the fruits of the church, that, they don’t see. I only exist because of the Way, and I’m only in the church because of the Way. I’ll be praying for you Chuck. If you want to talk more, email me.
I write from Guam, where the fruits of the NCW have been very bitter. Google it.
niinja2 has it right. I’m another ex member, grew up in it, and can attest to being prevented from knowledge of the future of the steps, was often told don’t look up The Way on the net, the devil speaks through it etc. And I remember Kiko ordering us to close our Facebook pages before this article – probably 2011. He is very afraid of information being let out about the Way. Desperate to keep his power.
I confirm that Kiko asked to delete all social media way earlier than 2015. It was back in 2010/2011. I was young, my parents were (and unfortunately still are) catechists of this movement, and because Kiko said that social media was the devil… we all were forced by group pressure to erase our online presence. Since then, I distanced myself from this sect and I found a less brainwashing way of living that I end up enjoying a lot.
João, what information is being kept from new members of the way. All i know of is that within five years they ask you to give up 10% of your income.