A Frank Discussion

A response to an editorial in the Pacific Daily News, August 15, 2014:  Community needs to have frank and honest discussion on suicide

Robin Williams, USA Today file photo.
Robin Williams, USA Today file photo.

Thank you, Pacific Daily News, for bringing up the topic in the wake of Robin Williams’s death and for your frankness.  His death triggered quite a bit of strong feelings in me, Continue reading “A Frank Discussion”

On Christian Community and the Catholic Worker Movement

Catholic workerMy copy of the “Hartford Catholic Worker” arrived in the mail a few days ago, and its arrival reminded me of my time volunteering at a Catholic Worker community on Cass Avenue in St. Louis during my senior year of college and also brought back memories of my godfather, Carl Paulsen, who led a Catholic Worker community in rural New England in his day. Continue reading “On Christian Community and the Catholic Worker Movement”