
It’s a bit risky to call this blog, “The Thoughtful Catholic”, because people might think that I’m referring to myself.  The truth is that I am, to borrow a phrase from Brian Doyle, a “muddle in need of a miracle“, and hardly always Thoughtful with a capital “T”.  Nonetheless, I’ve decided to share my walk with anybody else interested in a wild pursuit of the true, the good, and the beautiful.

I have also launched a short-format podcast on these fine platforms:

  1. Google Podcasts – https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy82NzVlZjRjYy9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==
  2. Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/4Dz4QZSIKrPizlBCeDbLyf
  3. Apple Podcasts – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-thoughtful-catholic/id1592448193
  4. Anchor.fm – https://anchor.fm/thoughtfulcatholic
  5. Breaker – https://www.breaker.audio/the-thoughtful-catholic
  6. Pocket Casts – https://pca.st/9h1fc8cp
  7. RadioPublic – https://radiopublic.com/the-thoughtful-catholic-8jlbzv

Each “episode” is usually between 5-15 minutes, and to date, most involve the Sacred Scriptures and many of those reference one or more Church Fathers.

Charles White
Guam, USA

Click here to contact me.

14 thoughts on “about

  1. Chuck, it’s nice to see you’re into the blogosphere. It’s been a while. Keep up the great work. Inspire, create, teach, search, trust and keep the faith.

      1. I’ve been curious the past few years regarding the NCW. I actually contacted them a few years ago to find out more. They suggested I attend the all night Easter vigil. I wasn’t able to do that. I thought maybe there were bible studies/ catechesis classes and anyone could attend. The commentary and problems on the initial catechesis is very informative. I’m left wondering why considering all these theological issues remain is the way so widely promoted by popes. I had no doubts based on things I’ve read or seen that there are good things about the way but if it’s not 100 percent Catholic that’s a problem.

  2. Hi Chuck.

    I would like to talk to you/meet you. I am a XXXX by birth, born and brought up in a XXXX family. I am in love with an Italian guy, who is in the Neocatechumenal Way for over ten years. I need your help.

    Thank you,

  3. Hello Chuck,
    I was browsing on the web and came across PNCs clip on protesters against Giuseppe Gennarini.

    Can you explain to me what the concern is with him?

    1. Hello Mel,

      To answer your question, many Catholics on Guam perceive that Mr. Gennnarini has an undue and harmful influence upon the leadership of the Catholic Church in Guam. One specific example involves an uncanonical transfer of a seminary property valued at over $40 million to a non-profit corporation under Mr. Gennarini’s control. Another involves the quick and secret transfer of a priest that was caught having sexual contact with one of his altar girls on a secluded beach. The priest ended up in Qatar working with youth. Gennarini effected the transfer. But that’s not the only example.

      See http://www.junglewatch.info/ for more information.

  4. Hi Chuck, best wishes….I have been looking for cogent, intelligent insights on the problem that the Church is saddled with by continuing to bolster the Neocatechumenal Way, a fascist & reactionary cult in it’s midst and am delighted by the preponderance of bloggers who agree that it is a cult. My thanks, best wishes, and hopes that you will stay well. Peace ✌️ and blessings .

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