The Sacrament of Baptism

  • What happens to unbaptized babies?
    • From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1261: As regards children who have died without Baptism, the Church can only entrust them to the mercy of God, as she does in her funeral rites for them. Indeed, the great mercy of God who desires that all men should be saved, and Jesus’ tenderness toward children which caused him to say: “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them,” allow us to hope that there is a way of salvation for children who have died without Baptism. All the more urgent is the Church’s call not to prevent little children coming to Christ through the gift of holy Baptism.
  • The Current Rite of Baptism
  • Ordo Baptismi Parvulorum: Latin-English (Old Rite)
  • The Catechism of the Catholic Church, on the existence of Satan
  • The Catechism of the Catholic Church – Baptism
  • From the Roman Catechism:
    • The Renunciation Of Satan
      • Three distinct times the person to be baptised is asked by the priest: Dost thou renounce Satan, and all his works, and all his pomps? To each of which he, or the sponsor in his name, replies, I renounce. Whoever, then, purposes to enlist, under the standard of Christ, must first of all, enter into a sacred and solemn engagement to renounce the devil and the world, and always to hold them in utter detestation as his worst enemies.
    • The Baptismal Promises
      • Priest. Do you renounce Satan?
        All. I do.
        P. And all his works?
        A. I do.
        P. And all his empty promises?
        A. I do.
         Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?
        A. I do.
        P. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered death and was buried, rose again from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father?
        A. I do.
        P. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
        A. I do.
        P. And may almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us new birth by water and the Holy Spirit and bestowed on us  forgiveness of our sins, keep us by his grace, in Christ Jesus our Lord, for eternal life.
        A. Amen.

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