Catholic Study Group Resource Page – Answering Tough Questions About the Faith

Join us in the Catholic Study Group every Monday night at 6:45 p.m. in the upper classroom of the St. Anthony Parish Spiritual Center in Tamuning to study the answers to 70 tough questions about the Faith. Our series will commence on Monday, November 11, 2024. Take a look at what we have in mind, and if you are interested click the button below to sign up for the WhatsApp notice group and our email list.

Click here to get to our Catholic Study Group Facebook page and then click the “Join Group” button to join us on Facebook.

Our Text:

The Essential Catholic Survival Guide: Answers to Tough Questions About the Faith. This book is a compilation of 70 of the best tracts from Catholic Answers.

Available on here, in Kindle format ($9.99) or paperback ($19.60), or at Catholic Answers here in epub or mobi format ($12.99) or softcover ($29.95). It is also available from Barnes and Noble here in Nook format ($9.99) or paperback ($29.95).

If you choose to buy the ebook from Catholic Answers, then you might find the Calibre ebook reader to work well on your desktop PC and the ReadEra app on your cellphone.

General Format of Each Meeting

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Recap of last time
  3. The group will read the text in a round robin fashion.  Reading will be punctuated with opportunities for members of the study group to comment and to consult the passages from the Sacred Scriptures referenced by the text.
  4. Closing Prayer

Other Things

  • Meeting topics will be announced via email, WhatsApp, and Facebook prior to each meeting.
  • Come when you can. Attendance will not be taken.
  • Bring your Bible!
  • There will be no lectures or assigned homework, but members of the study group are encouraged to follow up on questions on their own.
  • Newcomers are always welcome!


  1. Peter and the Papacy
  2. Peter the Rock
  3. Was Peter in Rome?
  4. Papal Infallibility
  5. Scripture and Tradition
  6. Proving Inspiration
  7. “What’s Your Authority?”
  8. Can Dogma Develop?
  9. Bible Translations Guide
  10. Praying to the Saints
  11. Saint Worship
  12. Do Catholics Worship Statues?
  13. Relics
  14. “Brethren of the Lord”
  15. Immaculate Conception and Assumption
  16. The Rosary
  17. Infant Baptism
  18. Baptism: Immersion Only?
  19. Christ in the Eucharist
  20. The Institution of the Mass
  21. Who Can Receive Communion?
  22. Anointing of the Sick
  23. Call No Man Father?
  24. Celibacy and the Priesthood
  25. The Forgiveness of Sins
  26. Primer on Indulgences
  27. Myths about Indulgences
  28. Grace: What It Is and What It Does
  29. Are Catholics Born Again?
  30. Assurance of Salvation?
  31. How to Become a Catholic
  32. Purgatory
  33. The Rapture
  34. Hunting the Whore of Babylon
  35. The Whore of Babylon
  36. Birth Control
  37. Homosexuality
  38. Adam, Eve, and Evolution
  39. The Galileo Controversy
  40. The Anti-Catholic Bible
  41. Anti-Catholic Whoppers
  42. Catholic “Inventions”
  43. More Catholic “Inventions”
  44. Is Catholicism Pagan?
  45. The Inquisition
  46. Exposing Catholicism: Crisis of Faith
  47. The Great Heresies
  48. Eastern Orthodoxy
  49. Fundamentalism
  50. Fundamentalist or Catholic?
  51. How to Talk with Fundamentalists
  52. Seventh-Day Adventism
  53. History of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
  54. Distinctive Beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
  55. The God of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
  56. Strategies of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
  57. Are They Awake on the Watchtower?
  58. Stumpers for Jehovah’s Witnesses
  59. More Stumpers for Jehovah’s Witnesses
  60. Distinctive Beliefs of the Mormon Church
  61. The Gods of the Mormon Church
  62. Problems with the Book of Mormon
  63. Mormonism’s Baptism for the Dead
  64. Mormon Stumpers
  65. Iglesia ni Cristo
  66. The Lost Tribes of Israel
  67. Starting Out As an Apologist
  68. The Apologist’s Bookshelf
  69. Common Catholic Prayers
  70. Scriptural Reference Guide

Other Resources

A Variety of Catholic Apologetics Tracts in PDF

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A Quick Catholic Apologetics Guide